Bug Reports

If you have access to another implementation of BIEM BTEX (e.g. on a UNIX or VAX/VMS system), try processing the same files with that implementation and compare results. If that implementation produces satisfactory results where the MS-DOS implementation does not, you can be reasonably sure that you've found a bug. I have tested the MS-DOS version against the VAX/VMS implementation, but there are bound to be errors which haven't been detected.

Once you're fairly sure that this implementation of BIEM BTEX is at fault, I'd like to hear from you so that I can fix the problem. To help me diagnose the fault, please supply the following information with your bug report:

Please send the bug report to me, preferably at the e-mail address given in section [*] below. Please do not send bug reports to Oren Patashnik as any fault is almost bound to be in my translation from the original WEB source.